I actually met King Neptune back in 1984. I was in the US Navy, and when we crossed the equator he came on board and demanded all the pollywogs who hadn't been accross the equator to suck a marchino cherry out of his naval after he had smeared it over with bearing grease. Such is the life of a sailor at sea. Being a certified shellback now, I will never have to undergo that initiation again. I'm not quite sure if the US Navy even allows such practices anymore, it is considered hazing and they have women aboard most of the ships. We had to crawl on our hands and knees for a couple hours and were beaten and made to do humiliating things. We had a beauty contest the night before, where sailors dressed as women, hoping to win the beauty contest and become Neptunes prize. That lucky guy didn't have to get hazed and just sat beside Neptune during the ceremony.
What does this have to do with stamps???? Oh yes, King Neptune is pictured on this stamp from Barbados.