For me personally, damaged stamps are fine for my collection. I know that many collectors abhor such damaged stamps, but I welcome them. Particularly when I don't have any other copies of them. Beggers can't be choosers.

Stamps, Covers, Postal cards, Post cards(UNESCO Heritage cards in particular you can find here..... http://whc.unesco.org/en/list) , postal envelopes, SS, MS, Used, Mint, Old, New, Cheap, Free, Perforate, Imperforate, Topicals,Specialized,Borrowed, My address is: JimmyB, 902 Sycamore St, Belleville,IL, 62220 USA. So please, if you would like to mail me a cover or postcard, I will gladly respond in kind.
Hong Kong, China. This place is synonomous with the year of the dog.
I think I need to get the cleaner out for my scan plate. I swear these stamps are perfect, my scanner has reflected light specs on the images. It's too late to go thru the trouble right now, These pics are good enough to tell the story.
Is anybody getting SuperBowl fever? I predict the team that scores the most points will win. I gotta admit it'd be nice to see the Bus go out in style, just the way Walter Payton did with the Bears back in the mid eighties.
I was mistaken the other day when I said that the Franklin postal cards were not in at the post office. Mistaken in the sense that they were postal cards. They are postal ENVELOPES!!!
Today the post master said he didn't have Franklin postal cards, but he did have envelopes. Oops on my part. Franklin envelopes were released in January with his image for postage. Both on regular and business sized envelopes. I grabbed two of each in case someone would like one with whom I correspond with. They cost 47 cents apiece for customers buying them. I wonder how many people really use postal envelopes? Well, just look at yesterdays post and you will see one person who does.
Nice image of Franklin, I was expecting a white bust silhouette when I originally read about it awhile back(I think in Linn's news).
Today I'd like to thank Samuel for the kind letter he sent me, telling me much about himself. It was sent on a postal envelope and is very greatly appreciated. I am returning the favor immediatly. So much is told in a letter and penpal letters truly are written in pen. The internet is nice for communication, but letters are so much more personal. Now I can add Ghana to the list of countries I have recieved mail from. Posted jan 13th it took just over two weeks to arrive. Pretty good time, all things considered.
I wonder if this postal stationary stamp is similar to actual stamps produced by Ghana? Does anyone have a clue? The flower looks similar to orchids I have seen. I have not gotten a chance to look up what actual flower it is. Western union is also printed on the envelope and I imagine that the envelope was purchased at a store that has a western union. So much to look into.
Mozart would have been 250 years old last Friday the 27th. Austria, his birthplace, released this commemorative stamp to celebrate the event.
If you haven't been reading the news this month, a museum supposedly has his skull, which was unearthed by a man who remembered where he was buried in a communal grave (right, like I believe that). Hard to imagine the likes of him being bankrupt. Scientists last month tried testing the skull to see if it was really him by collecting dna. The study was inconclusive so the question remains, whether it is his skull.
Here is a German stamp bearing his image.
Even if you don't like classical music, I'll bet if you listened to it, you'd find much of his work enjoyable. Haven't you ever sang "Twinkle twinkle little star"? Don't get it stuck in your head now!!