Friday, November 03, 2006


Wow!! Florence, I'm indebted to you.

Spectacular stamps and also a cover for my search for all covers quest.

For those who don't know, lizarddrizzle is my other msn email address. I'm a former herper. I think everyone should have a tank with a couple Tokay's.

I personally rank Malaysia #1 in architecture. So you know they always have stunning design stamps.

Lighthouses....oh my god!!!! I got it all on this cover!!!


Thursday, November 02, 2006

U.N. flag covers and call for covers

Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, Fiji, Vietnam, France, Turkey, Bangladesh, Mali, Suriname, Guinea, El Salvador, Venezuela, Rwanda, Madagascar, United Republic of Cameroon, and Hungary. on the cover for more detail....

If you'd blike to see any more then the few I scanned tonight, well...leave a comment. Remember I'm open to trades!!!! hint hint.

Heres the call.

Email this call to someone(most likely a flag stamp collector....and there are many or a UN or FDC fanatic. Even a fellow stamp collector. and ask them to forward it to an internet group they are in. Hopefully, and I mean this stage, according to this study that was recently done by a university. Someone should be able to know someone in one of these countries and I can check them off my want list. France I've already got a letter from, but I like the flag and wanted to post it. every other country I really do need a letter from.

If this works at all for me I'll let you know. If it doesn't, that pirate you saw the other day might pull into your harbor.

I need a cover from each of these countries. Help me out by just forwarding a link to your stamp internet friend...we all seem to have them. Hopefully everyone will forward it so rapidly that I can get every country in the world.
OK, ....... I at least can dream can't I?
Do I sound like a needy S.O.B?
I might as well ask you to bequeath your collection to me. hehe(I would put it to good use for blog postings)
I also need to hit the lottery, the only problem is, that I never buy any tickets.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ahoy Matee!!

It's that time of year. Krash my africa grey is up behind my right shoulder at the window. A real anti social bird. Paco my baby yellow naped amazon is in my left hand, Booboo is on my shoulder(blue crown conure) and Curly the military macaw is on my right elbow. Ain't I scary looking? You wouldn't want to bump into me on a dark corner.

Trinidad Tobago

A couple nice little finds tonight.

Particularly for me when I see $4.80.

I could sure use some more covers to post on my site!!!
Don't be shy, I promise to reply in kind!!

Monday, October 30, 2006


Oh if this stamp were only missing a cancellation. Instead of a couple dollars in the catalogue, it'd be a couple hundred!!

Last week I posted a space set. Since then, everywhere I look is a space themed stamp!!

I'm still looking for this rocket stamp in my catalogue... gotta run to work.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Plow horse and anteater

Last September I posted an overprinted version of the stamp below.

Above is a 1921 German plowhorse from Germany. No cancel which cuts the value by more then half.

Do you see two horse heads?

What is it I like about this anteater engraving?
