Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Nickel and dime stamp cover giveaway

 I've decided to have a raffle and give this cover to the winner of it. Simply send me a postcard to enter it and write "Nickel and dime!" on the back of the postcard. All entries must be postmarked before 2359  hours on June 30th. The winner will be selected out of a bag July 22nd by my wonderful wife. I'm allowing extra time just in case someones postcard takes up to two or three weeks to arrive from someplace. Mail doesn't get out  fast all the time in some regions I've found. Palestine is an example that comes to mind. The odds of winning will be based on both the number of entries made(probably not many) and the number of entries you make. If worse comes to worse and your entry is not selected, you may find your postcard is posted on this blog anyways along with my thanks.  Anyways.......

 On the backside is the stamp shop that mailed this out. It has the same street that I live on, different city though, if it were Belleville, it'd be 6 blocks down the street.  But if you want a chance to win this, send the post card to....          Jimmy B
                                 902 Sycamore St.
                                 Belleville IL    62220

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