Friday, September 27, 2013


 Except for the huge shark bite along the edge, I think this is a nice used stamp. Light cancel though a tad off centered. Neils Henrik Abel(1802-1829). was from what I can tell only the 3rd person to be on a Norwegian stamp, regular postage at least.. #148 in my book and issued in 1929, the 100th anniversary of his death, the color is ultra blue. I wonder if they use the same color names as Crayola?
 When Neils entered the University, he already knew more mathematics than anyone else in the country. How does one get taught mathematics when they already know more than their professors? I guess you just create and discover new mathematics. He was taught at home with hand written textbooks and in one of his textbooks had been written the equation 1+0=0. He was average in all his classes except for math in which he excelled.
 Died at 28 from TB, but responsible for major advances and lived a poor man basically having what appears to be an appointment to professorship sent via post and arriving too late, Neils having passed before the news from the University arrived to him. Ok, the ending is different, but I couldn't help but think "Good Will Hunting".


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