Thursday, October 03, 2013

Long Tall Sally

 This semi-postal from 1952 Finland #B118 in my book, note the different number on Stampworld(scroll down about half the page to #421), is surtaxed with proceeds going to aid in the prevention of tuberculosis.
 In the upper left corner is the Cross of Lorraine which is used by the American Lung Association and similar organizations around the world. Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease which infects the lungs and kills around half of those afflicted if left untreated.
 Two Spotted Flycatchers appear at a nest, both looking off to the right perhaps spotting a swarm of flies maybe?  These Flycatchers use a feeding technique which is referred to as sallying, which is a form of hawking, this method involves sitting on a perch. spotting a bug, flying to grab it and immediately returning to the same or nearby perch and enjoying the snack.
 The used versions of these stamps garner a slightly higher catalogue value. This one is actually in really good condition compared to my average stamps, only one small perf on the bottom is missing and it appears well centered, although the image appears turned ever ever so slightly to the left with greater distance on the bottom left edge than the top left and reversed on the right side.


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