Monday, May 15, 2006

State stamps sheet

Daily scans of stamps and covers are starting to fill my hard drive. It looks like I need to find the screws to put an extra drive I have into my PC. This sheet of stamps uses 9.4 Megs of space. Wow, space hog.

My excitement over the massive number of hits on my website after Saturdays blog has subsided. After the initial surge on sunday(an alltime high and 3 times my average) my blog has fallen to it's typical hit place.

Well, I did my part in trying to get the madmen out of the White House.

I've been recieving emails from a local club member and he uses Excel files, it frustrated me since one was a list of inventory of what appears to be a stamp dealer in Arizona.

My question for today. Why wasn't the District of Columbia represented in this series of stamps? You can view a larger version of this sheet by clicking on the image!!!


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