Friday, December 08, 2006


For some reason that I cannot fathom. I find this 1912 Shah, to be my favorite stamp.
As common as they are, I don't fall on them everyday. If you've got a couple, overprints included, please let me know.

I apologize to several folks I've recieved stuff from the past several months. I'm behind on return covers, not from lack of funds but pure being busy and laziness. I've been meaning to make a 15 mile trip for thank you's but just need to get it done this week.

Basically, If I posted a cover from you and haven't responded, I got something coming your way shortly.

In the meantime, all I can say is that.......
Let's hope that Bush opens talks with Iran and Syria, whether he likes it or not.
James Baker? Tell stupid GWB and DC to step down or go to jail for what they've done bringing down the US and the Constitution of the US for their own vain purposes.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Coat of Arms

As is not uncommon. I'm missing the last stamp in this set of 4.

#166 thru 169 in Scott. The 50 center and 1 dollar are still valued $4.50 apiece in the 2003 catalogue.

The first two easily fluffed off the old album page. The 50 cent plate corner was not as cooperative. Being not hinged and directly applied, it began to thin the stamp. I need to soak it of the page.

Where can I find more time? Does anyone have extra time they could send me?

Coincidence? Yesterdays post turned out to be just that. Read my daughters comments.
I truly had no idea when they had planned on travelling.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Personalized stamps

According to the USPS, these are metered stamps and not postage stamps.

I was ruined not being able to go to Jenny's wedding. Getting this personalized stamp has really made up for my not having been able to go.

It's a shame the post office ruins stamps with visible cancellations. Can't they come up with a phospher tag cancellation? At least just where the stamps are usually placed?

I asked Jen if she has any mint ones I could have. She's probably getting ready for a move overseas. I really need to hook up with her on getting covers from wherever she goes.

Hi Jen, hi Stephen.


Monday, December 04, 2006


Still no power here, several hundred thousand without still.

I mostly have official FDC's in the U.N. catagory.
This is a clipping from a large envelope on first day.
The black stamp is not one of the FDC stamps, just the stamps with the torch flame and 25th anniversary are.

I had been awaiting a stamp auction last weekend anxiously.
Instead of attending I had to spend my saved money(plus some) on a new generator.


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Israel and ice storm

It rained all night last Thursday while the temperature was below freezing. The ice that formed around power lines and tree branches was over 1 inch in thickness in many places.

As you can see from a photo along the side of my house, everything has been pulled down. Power lines and trees. Power poles down my street are bowing to the ground.

Temps were 10's and single digits this morning(That's -10's Celsius)

I've reattached my electric service lines to the house and now await electricity.

I managed to get a generator to run my furnace, turn on my two fishtanks and post a blog.

I recieved this dynamite cover from LondonBus. Many many thanks.

If you have an interest in GB anywhere from beginner to high experience check out MSN's Great Britain Stamp Club. The Bus is not long to arrive.

Telefilia '93 Israel-Romania.... A highly prized stamp in my quest.
