Saturday, March 11, 2006

Complete Chinese Zodiac

Our post office finally got these in. Hey, if you've missed any of the years, now is the time. You can get them all on one sheet for $4.68US.

The numbers worked out right for the set. They actually changed sets in the past to not produce an "unlucky" number in Chinese.

My how we have become politically correct. Remember the old 13 cent stamp? Who was caring about unlucky numbers back then?

By the way, remember that you can enlarge the images(usually) just by clicking on them.


Friday, March 10, 2006

Duck stamps

Not like I have a single duck stamp. I don't. I've seen them though.

Get this! A guy where I works cousin, won the contest for drawing the picture. I gotta talk to him tomorrow and see if he can get me a couple autographed for me. I don't even know which stamp it was. They just said he won the contest a couple of years ago. Cool beans if you know what I'm talking about.

If a stamp collector finds a one of a kind stamp, and noone finds out, did he really find a one of a kind stamp?

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Hot water and music

Bad night, I got home and the hot water heater AND our Ipod both crapped out. I'm still renting for a month so the heater won't cost me. Also, our Ipod is under a warranty. Phew!!! Dodged both bullets.

Ahh, my favorite stamp I possess. Also happens to be a US of which I'm not crazy about, particularly post 1945 or 50.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Doggy dog

I've exchanged letters with this guy before. He's pleasantly surprised me with this cover I recieved today. I'm disapointed the usps coded across the bottom. They could have used the peelable labels instead. Hiss. I left his web address on the envelope. I didn't get his permission to post his identity, but a blog website is already public domain. Good guy, he wouldn't make you take a wooden nickel.

A metered stamp to cover what the stamps didn't I'm guessing. If it is metered, I have to say that it's a dandy of a metered stamp. Better then the USPS. Don't get me wrong. I like the USPS. Right.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Imagine collecting overprints. Going thru a stamp catalogue, practically all countries have overprinted stamps.

I wonder if there is a world overprint book? I often see overprint booklets of different countries. Inquiring minds want to know.

Hyderabad O47 in the catalogue. Part of the India native feudatory states. There is another variety of this stamp that was printed with an unshaded background. Nice to have. I'm still looking.
I see this stamp all the time when sorting thru old world mixtures. Funny how you always gotta look at them too, just in case you get an odd one. I'm always looking for odd ones of anything. There IS money to be discovered in places most people would overlook.

Monday, March 06, 2006


A fistful of stamps are on this cover from Bechuanaland. There is no return address, but it IS sent registered mail. The postmark has Bech Prot. stamped on it. At first I thought the lines accross the envelope were from storage of the cover, but closer examination shows the line is covered by the stamp. Someones attempt to apply the stamps in a straight line?

All my links and my profile info have somehow slipped to the bottom of my page. It's a curious thing how this may have happened. I'm at a complete loss. I'm thinking that maybe the size of my images has forced it down somehow. Time will tell, I don't know of a fix just right yet.

I tinkered a bit and found the problem on my blog from las Friday, It seems an internet address I wrote extended too far and forced the links on the right side down.

I seem to be getting mail daemons from this site, I guess I need to put my email address somewhere on this site until I can deduce the problem with comments here. Of course this can be circumverted for now by going to the In Search of Stamps forum on the right and joining. It's a small group right now(real small), but sure to grow albeit slowly.


Sunday, March 05, 2006


No, beggars CAN'T be choosers. That's why I have this Gibralter postal card. I't been hanging pinned up somewhere and you can even see how the light has faded the card by the way whatever was posted over it protected it from fading.
The art of handsome penmanship is quickly disapearing. I admire the fancy strokes of the writers hands during this era.