Saturday, December 23, 2006

US Centennial

................Click for detail...............

I really like this 98 centennial sheet. The used the actual plates for the copies. Not sure of the process(yet).

The holidays have begun in the greater St Louis area. Stay home, the shops and markets are too packed. If you haven't stocked up by now I can feel for you.


Thursday, December 21, 2006


My nice neighbors gave me a gift today. More then several recent mint Romanian stamps. Also this MS. Awesome, thanks Brian and Dorothy.
I played chess a little bit at school and with my father. I was never really good at it.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Sweet, I like the higher $$

I've seen Ryukyu advertised in stamp catalogues, never really gave them much thought till today.

These airmails look slick.

This piece of a postal card really gets me thinking.
Now I must have an entire Ryukyu postal card.
What don't I want?

I just saw the postal card on sale for $90 online. Maybe I'll hold on to this and wait for the postal card.

I came across these in a generous mixture I recieved for $10 in a Linn's advertisement. His advertisement said his strength was in classics and he was being honest. I really enjoyed sorting through half of it tonight.
Some China, Saudi Arabia, Portugal, Romania, Ireland, Germany, Russia and Poland to name a few.
Ryukyu is a chain of islands that was part of Japan until WW2 when the US occupied it. I hope it rules itself now and doesn't need us there.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


This cover ties with Mary going to Ireland to visit Jen and Steph.

If she thinks of it I'd love letters and or postcards with commemoratives probably definitives on postcards.

Be sure to stop back in Amsterdam where you and Rosie got me back into stamps.

Also be sure to go to one of those coffee houses for me.



Monday, December 18, 2006


Click to enlarge.

Mohammed Riza Pahlavi

As usual, I've got gaps. Still nice to have a few. Mint I add.
