Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Two Bridges

This is a nice card I got from a dealer. It looks like an awesome city. Architecture AND Scenery.

 I ordered some stamps I couldn't get at my P.O. hopefully they get here soon. I actually ordered some $5.00 Washington/Jacksons. I didn't want to buy 4 to get one, but I've found a registered reply letter is $9.60 reg. + .92 letter rate. $10.52.....Ouch.  I hope not many people mail me registered letters. 



asher said...

hi my neme is asher i am from israel i need them mint FDC maxcards i can give the same w/w also uesd
i also exchange banknots (unc) and phonecards i am serious collector
all exchange by R mail my add
asher carmi POB 5105 ashdod 77150 israel
my mail
my site
by asher

Anonymous said...

I have Argentine Puma Stamp.. Interested? Rachel ..