Tuesday, April 18, 2006

South Park

I never saw any of the other issues at the post office back in 92, only this one. One of four issues. Above is the cover/folder/sleeve or whatever. I guess I need my stamp terms book.Inside it is just some writing, no pics.

Does anyone watch South Park? It's an American cartoon. Anyways, just to show everyone how screwed up, or actually good American freedoms are, the producers made a cartoon of Mohammed in a good context and the Cartoon Network censered the image. Then they depicted Christ deficating on George Bush and the American flag, and the network did not censor it. Naturally everyone was in an uproar over the flag and Jesus. I heard no complaints about Bush however. hehe. I heard noone complaining about the censorship of Mohammed either. I think the network did the right thing by showing how we can have freedom of speech and still attempt to do the correct thing by censorship.

The truth of the matter actually was.... noone who did any complaining actually watches South Park. They would have been offended over every episode over the last ten years, how did they suddenly watch this episode?

As bad as the shows are, there is always a worthwhile lesson spoken at the end. They make fun of everyone. When they make fun of you, you'd better laugh your butt off, or else you've got no business laughing at everyone else!!!


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