Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Romanian set

I can't figure out why I like stamps from Romania. These things were pumped out by the kazillion. Basically pumped out to make money off of stamp collectors like you and I, rather then the demand for actual stamps by Romanian citizens. Of course they were really usable so they are official stamps. I just like the look of the images I guess. I'm just a sucker for stamps like all of us are. Does anybody else get stamps they hate but like at the same time? These are Scott # 1281-86 and catalog at $2.10 used in my 03 catalog. Naturally mint is tough to get and catalogues at almost $10.00. Does anyone have mint copies of these Romanian stamps? I wonder how Scott comes up with these values that they do. I'm sure they don't get them from the prices that they are selling them for. Next stamp show I go to here in St Louis, I'm gonna see how many mint Romanian sets I see at venders stands. The next big show is coming up next month here.

1 comment:

Cees Prins said...

Like your stampstories. Try to blogg also but it is difficult to have some content every day. So it now is a now and maybe soon blogg.