Friday, March 03, 2006


Here's a place not known commonly except for the stamp collector. Hyderabad, located in central India 1869-1948. The kind of place that would pop up on a Jeopardy show.

There's nothing funny about the accident. Accidents are me in a nutshell. But this was so good and depending on your views on things, very fitting.

Does anyone have a quail stamp I could put on todays notes? I know Cees(see link on right) has plenty of chicken stamps. I could find one if I had the time(Wheres my staff?). I realized tonight I have no duck stamps. Someday.


OK guys, I'm just browsing cnn news after I posted this and check out the Bush story I read. I swear, I hadn't a clue when I posted this stamp today. Bush is actually there right now. Some things happen by such coincidence that it's truly uncanny.

JimmyB 2nd time

1 comment:

Cees Prins said...

Just can't wait for your next prediction.Maybe some weather stamp tomorrow. Think there is a good market for forecast predictors.

could send a used quail stamp if you like. Or do you quail for a quail??